Thar' Be Dragons!

Arr, matey, gather 'round and listen close, for I'll spin ye a tale of the high seas where thar be dragons,
sea monsters, and all manner o' creatures that'll chill ye to the very bone!

In the vast expanse of the briny deep, where the waves be fierce and the winds be wild, sailors whisper tales
 of creatures so fearsome they'd make a kraken quiver in its tentacles. Picture this: a ship, sailing under the 
moon's pale light, when suddenly, from the depths below, rises a dragon with scales as dark as midnight and
 eyes that gleam like treasure. Its roar be thunder, its breath be fire, and woe betide the fool who crosses its path!
But dragons ain't the only thing ye'll find out there, oh no! Thar be sea serpents, slithering and sinuous, their
 coils as long as the horizon itself. They lurk in the shadows, waiting to drag unwary sailors down into the
 murky depths, never to be seen again.

And let's not forget about the mermaids, with their beguiling songs and their shimmering tails. Beautiful they may be,
 but cross 'em and ye'll find out quick enough that they're more than capable of dragging ye down to Davy Jones' 
locker with a flick of their fins.

So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and keep a weather eye on the horizon, for in these waters, danger 
lurks around every corner. Thar be dragons, sea monsters, and all sorts of creatures, and only the bravest and 
most cunning souls dare to sail these treacherous seas! Arrr!

Just a word of caution about the care and 'feeding' of your dragons:

Since they are printed in PLA, they need a cool place. Please don't leave them in the sun or in your hot vehicle! One of our next runs will offer options for dragons printed in a filament suitable for hot environments or direct sun exposure.

Visit us at one of our local Oklahoma City locations or on our Essence of Magic partner online shop.